We finally had the opportunity to carry out our experiment on a larger scale. For this, the AI-bility team went to Innsbruck to the Bundesrealgymnasium.
After our first round of the experiment in November in Grenoble, we had enough time to adapt our experiment to newly gained knowledge. The difficulty of questions as well as the shown answers were adapted, tested and then translated to German.
In order to collect as much information as possible, we have doubled our structure. This allowed two children to work simultaneously with the robots, language assistants, chatbots and traditional search engines at each station, as well as carry out the interim activities. The waiting children had the great opportunity to play with Lego Mindstorm Robots and to test out VR glasses.
Due to the expanded structure and sufficient registrations from school children, we were able to collect data from 55 children, aged 11 to 13, over two rounds of the experiment. What a fantastic outcome!
A big thank you goes to the Bundesrealgymnasium in Innsbruck for making the premises available and making the experiment possible for their students. Also a big thank you to GEM for the excellent preparation of the experiment and to all helping hands before and during the experiment.
We are very excited to see what insights the experiment provides us with.