The Liechtenstein University Association, consisting of the University of Liechtenstein, Private University of Liechtenstein and the Liechtenstein Institute invited to the public event “Liechtenstein as a Science Location – Making Research Visibile!” at the University of Liechtenstein.
The event provided an excellent platform for selected research projects from the three institutions to showcase their work, including our E+ AI-bility project. As part of our work package four, we are committed to disseminating our work to a wider audience, and this event was a perfect opportunity for us to achieve this goal.

Leona and Mara presented the latest developments of our AI-bility project to an audience of interested students, parents, professors, and other symposium participants. They provided valuable insights into the world of education and how children can benefit from learning with AI. The presentation included pictures of the experiment in Innsbruck, showcasing our setup and children using the robot, voice assistant and chat bot. In addition, they shared the latest stories about the robot dog and the CA, distributed a published paper on digital companions, and introduced Winky, a digital companion.

These topics generated insightful discussions about the endless possibilities of AI in relation to the education of children. A successful evening and a great opportunity to raise awareness about the possibilities for children learning with AI.