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Workshop at German School

At the end of September 2023, several employees of the Department for Information Systems at the University of Münster visited the Maximilian-Kolbe-Gesamtschule in Saerbeck to conduct an Information Systems workshop with two 8th grade classes as part of the school’s project week. The program included… Read More »Workshop at German School

Reflecting on the AI-bility Project: A Journey of Innovation and Friendship

In the picturesque town of Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Leona, Isabella, and Johannes, gathered on a sunny August 30th for what would be the final transnational meeting of the AI-bility project. This meeting marked the culmination of a remarkable two-year journey that had taken them across Europe… Read More »Reflecting on the AI-bility Project: A Journey of Innovation and Friendship

Science Symposium Liechtenstein

The Liechtenstein University Association, consisting of the University of Liechtenstein, Private University of Liechtenstein and the Liechtenstein Institute invited to the public event “Liechtenstein as a Science Location – Making Research Visibile!” at the University of Liechtenstein. The event provided an excellent platform for selected… Read More »Science Symposium Liechtenstein

School Visit No. 4

We finally had the opportunity to carry out our experiment on a larger scale. For this, the AI-bility team went to Innsbruck to the Bundesrealgymnasium. After our first round of the experiment in November in Grenoble, we had enough time to adapt our experiment to… Read More »School Visit No. 4

Our Journal Paper Accepted

This is the weekend for celebration. We have just received the following e-mail: The paper defines what we call “children’s digital companion” and describe its characteristics based on its purpose and apperance as well as how it works. Children’s digital companion is an embodied conversational… Read More »Our Journal Paper Accepted

Creating a Story

Part of our AI-bility project is storytelling. We want to create different stories for young children that cover various artificial intelligence topics. Creating a new story usually starts with deciding on a specific AI concept and a spontaneous idea for a storyline. I conduct proficient… Read More »Creating a Story

School Visit No. 3

Well-prepared and equipped with three conversational agents and one PC for traditional search, we left for the American School of Grenoble. Nine children between the age of 11 to 13 attended our experiment. The children tried to answer as many questions as possible in a… Read More »School Visit No. 3

Participants depicted as robots

Experiment prep

The team arrived in Grenoble, to prepare the first WP3 experiment tomorrow! This includes testing the Conversational Agents, testing and fine-tuning the whole process, and check that the time will work. Actually, we are all quite excited 🤗 <Update> … aaaand it really worked out… Read More »Experiment prep

Schoolchildren’s Attitude toward and Interaction with Conversational Agents

Writing a thesis can be quite tedious and tiring – but writing a bachelor thesis within the AI-Bility project was not like that at all. The practical foundation of my bachelor thesis was the qualitative data collected in interviews with 45 German schoolchildren. The theoretical… Read More »Schoolchildren’s Attitude toward and Interaction with Conversational Agents

School Visits

First data collection for our exploratory field study The main focus of our second work package was to do focus group interviews with schoolchildren in order to get deeper insights in how kids interact with conversational agents. We are very happy that we found two… Read More »School Visits

Text to Speech - Dummy


There we are. Having 6h of kids talking in German, not always linear, having to consider the GDPR. We thought about running a local system, transcribing the voice of eight kids and the moderator. There are several options that we tried to use, specifically the… Read More »Speech-to-Text

Our Market Exploration

What kinds of conversational agents are on the market? Which of them are especially designed for children and how are they called? Prior to this project we already began to look for products which were available on the European markets. We did so only sporadically,… Read More »Our Market Exploration

Project Kick-Off

After months of Zoom meetings in which we prepared the project application and then, again, online celebrating after receiving the acceptance notification, we finally had our “real life” kick-off meeting in Münster on the 15th-16th November 2021. Of course, we had to discuss the project… Read More »Project Kick-Off